this is not a real blog. the real blog is here
kibod warrior, thats what you are.
i change my wallpaper every 6 months. what OS i am using >_<
installing IE in fedora. why? not because i can. i need to reg my courses. damn
Lecture is an art, everyone can teach, but not all succeed
rumput kering serupa bola bergolek golek
you guess what? haters gonna hate.
RT @kevinmitnick: No, just a bit of history, and NO, I would NOT do it again. (unless it was a pentest).
salute 0> RT @kevinmitnick: On this day 30 years ago, I social engineered my way into Pacific Telephone's COSMOS center in LA (dialups, passwords, manuals, everything)
if i assume you're no is a yes...would that be okay
okeh, biasannya kalau orang tanya something, aku selalu jawap gugel la. dan jawapan aku dapat "malas". fml